Welcome to Deans Community High School. This part of our website is to support students and parents through the process of transition from primary to secondary schools.
Our cluster primary schools are Carmondean, Deans, Knightsridge, Meldrum and Seafield.
Transition to secondary is an important milestone in every child's education and here at Deans we aim to support learners throughout the process.
P7 Open Evening
This video is a recording of a previous presentation that was given for any parents who were unable to attend our in-person events. If you have any further questions around the transition process please contact the school directly via gemma.thomson@westlothian.org.uk (opens new window)
In this section you will find dates for transition activities for the current session, links to video tours of the school and some information about the subject faculties here at Deans Community High School.
Have a look at our introductory sway presentation below:
Upcoming Dates
August onwards
Livestreaming of lessons across cluster by Deans CHS staff
Thursday 28 Nov
Parental Information evening. Tour from 5:00-6:00pm following by a presentation around transition in the Theatre from 6:00-6:30pm
Miss Thomson visits to P7 classes
April - end May
Enhanced Transition
Session 1 on Teams
Session 2 in Deans
Session 3 in Deans
Session 4 in Deans
Session 5 in Deans
Session 6 in Deans
Parental Session at Deans Community High School.
May - June
House Competition (in cluster primary and via Teams with some tasks at home).
Pupils will be added to the P7 Transition Teams page with channels for each House (Cairnpapple, Dechmont and Houstoun).
Once the House competition is live we will upload the different activities both here and the Teams page to allow pupils to work on them at home as well as school.
June - 10th - 12th
Transition visit for all P7s (3 days)
As more events are confirmed dates will be posted here.
Families on low incomes may be eligible to receive free school meals and milk for their children. There are also grants available to help towards the cost of school clothing.
iPay Impact is the online method of payment into school accounts for things such as lunch money and payments for school trips and excursions. Further information on how to set up an account if you do not already have one can be found in the Parent Portal link below.
This app is used to pre-order lunches at school. It can only be used to order food, all payments for lunches must be entered using the iPay Impact system. More information about this app will be made available once your child enrols in S1.
Health Issues:
At Deans Community High School we strive to provide the highest level of support for all our learners.
Care plans for those with specific health conditions will re-commence from S1 as they are not automatically carried on from primary.
Parents of any pupils with conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or allergies need to complete paperwork for their child with help from Pupil Support.
Please make contact with the school at the earliest opportunity to allow the plans to be put in place and ready for the start of S1 in August.
To contact Pupil Support phone the main school number on 01506 282155 and then press 2 for Pupil Support.
School Uniform:
Here at Deans Community High School we pride ourselves on how we represent the school and our uniform is an important part of this.
Our school uniform is:
Deans CHS jumper or hoodie or plain black jumper, hoodie or cardigan.
Plain black school trousers, jeans, leggings or skirt.
Black school shorts or black chino type shorts (not sport or denim).
Black or neutral tights.
White shirt (short or long sleeved).
S1-4 'junior' tie.
S5-6 'senior' tie.
Mostly black shoes or trainers
S4-6 black school blazer (optional).
For PE:
T-shirt, shorts/tracksuit/jogging bottoms.
Light rain jacket.
PE kit must be brought in and changed into in the provided changing facilities. Pupils should not be in PE kit in any other class.
For Swimming:
Swim shorts/trunks for boys.
One piece swimsuit for girls.
Families and Young People Advice Service:
We now have a School Campaign Development Officer, Lisa. Her role is to deliver a specialist income maximisation service for children and families who are experiencing financial hardship to support them to be more financially resilient.
Some of the things Lisa can provide advice or support on:
Advice on which benefits you may be entitled to and support to claim them if required.
Support to appeal benefit decisions or to ask for a decision to be reconsidered.
Check to make sure your household income is maximised and help you claim any top up entitlement you may have.
Information provided on any grants available, referrals and support to claim.
Help with claiming support for the cost of the school day - Free School Meals, School Clothing Grants, School Clothing Bank referrals, EMA's (Education Maintenance Allowance).
Assistance with Mandatory Reconsiderations and Appeals for when disability benefits have been refused or you feel your current award is not correct.
If you are struggling with your Money, Benefits or Debt please get in touch to see how she can help.
Please call or email Lisa using the details below and she will get back to you - Remember to mention Lisa or Deans Community High School to ensure your enquiry is allocated correctly.
01506 283 000 opt 4
In S1 and S2 at Deans you study a wide range of subjects from across the curriculum.
During S2 you will select the subjects you wish to continue to study in S3.
The different curricular areas have provided some videos and examples of work for you to get a flavour of the work covered when you start secondary school.