At Deans Community High school our shared vision is that
Students at Deans Community High School will be inspired through high quality learning and teaching, in a safe, inclusive environment, to confidently achieve and attain the very best they can to succeed in life, learning and work.
We have an agreed set of values to try to ensure this happens and every member of the school community is responsible for embedding these into their daily lives and interactions with others.
This policy should be viewed in line with the school's positive behaviour policy and our equalities (DNA) policy.
This policy has been developed with consultation from staff and students and takes on board feedback from parents. This policy will be reviewed in August 2022.
Definition of Bullying
"the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online" (Anti Bullying Alliance).
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (UNCRC) States a right is a basic need, rather than an entitlement or expectation. Children need to be protected from bullying behaviour so that they can survive, develop and participate in a fulfilling life. Bullying is a breach of Children's Rights.
Bullying Behaviour may include:
Being called names, teased, put down or threatened face to face/online.
Being hit, tripped, pushed or kicked.
Having belongings taken or damaged.
Being ignored, left out or having rumours spread about you (face-to-face and/or online).
Sending abusive messages, pictures or images on social media, online gaming platforms or phone.
Behaviour which makes people feel like they are not in control of themselves or their lives (face-to-face and/or online).
Being targeted because of who you are or who you are perceived to be (face to face and/or online).
Bullying is not:
Single episodes of social rejection or dislike.
Single episode acts of nastiness or spite.
Random acts of aggression or intimidation.
Mutual arguments, disagreements or fights.
These actions can cause great distress. However, they do not fit the definition of bullying, and they're not examples of bullying unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them.
Raising Awareness of Bullying in Deans Community High School
Assemblies outlining how to deal with bullying and how to report it.
Poster campaign (covered in S1 PSE) to change perception of bullying being cool/tough.
Information on how bullying behaviour can really destroy lives - website, leaflets, posters and plays or presentations from outside agencies.
Staff/house officials on duty at intervals and lunch especially watching out for bullying behaviour.
Students signed hands to pledge support for our 'Give us a hand!' Anti-Bullying Campaign.
What to do if a bullying situation arises?
Should be given guidance on the anti-bullying policy here at Deans Community High School and how best to react to a bullying situation should it arise. Communication from PTC's, Heads of House and Senior Management will ensure that all reports of bullying behaviour and potential targets of bullying will be communicated with staff. It is imperative that staff familiarise themselves with the anti-bullying policy and take the time to read it thoroughly.
Remain vigilant by playing close attention to potential bullying behaviours. Bullying can take place within the classroom, in the hallways during class intervals, at lunch and break times or at end of the school day. Staff should stand at their doors during intervals between periods to maintain a presence.
Observe any concerning behaviours among students who may be a target of bullying or participating in bullying behaviour. If a student appears anxious, withdrawn or out of character it is important that it is reported at the earliest instance. A referral through SEEMIS should be entered for the attention of PTC's. PTC's will make a judgment as to whether this should be brought to the attention of the Heads of House of Dechmont, Cairnpapple and Houstoun. The same applies should a member of staff witness a potential bullying incident.
A student may choose to disclose a bullying situation with a member of staff. It is important that staff record the information that is being disclosed on paper with the date and time of the disclosure. It should be made clear to the student that this information will be passed on to their HOH and a Bullying Incident Report Form should be collected from the Pupil Support Office. This will be completed in the presence of a Head of House or Pupil Support Assistant and kept confidential.
Following on:
Separate meetings will take place with students to gather information regarding alleged bullying incidents. It is important that staff maintain a neutral stance throughout. It is likely that both parties will want to avoid being present with each other as this may cause anxiety. A written agreement stating that this behaviour will cease immediately should be sought.
If the bullying behaviour continues, a parental meeting will take place with senior management and Heads of House.
Following this, should the severity of the bullying persist, perpetrators could face an exclusion or a hosting. Police may be informed depending on the nature of the bullying taking place.
Students must:
Understand that everyone has the right to learn in a safe and secure environment, free from physical, emotional, verbal and cyber bullying. No young person should feel fearful of coming to school each day.
Do the right thing and inform a member of staff at the first instance should they witness an incident of bullying.
Follow the School's code of conduct and understand that bullying will not be tolerated in any shape or form.
Tell a member of staff if they feel as though they are being bullied and understand that senior management will be informed immediately.
Avoid behaviour that might be considered bullying.
Sign an agreement which states that this behaviour will cease immediately. This will follow a meeting with Heads of House.
Understand that in very serious cases, where this agreement is not followed through, a parental meeting will take place and students may face an exclusion, hosting or police involvement.
Can access the schools anti-bullying policy via the school website. Parents will be able to refer to a guidance tab on the home screen in the event of their child becoming a target of bullying, or indeed is accused of bullying behaviour towards another student.
Should be kept fully informed about how the alleged bullying is being handled.
May be asked to attend a meeting in the school to discuss the problem.
It is vitally important that parents take in to account the views and opinions of everyone involved; victims, alleged perpetrators, classmates, teachers and senior management.
Understand and accept their role in preventing this type of behaviour so that the attainment and effective learning and teaching of others is not impacted.
How Deans Community High School deal with bullying incidents
When a bullying incident is reported the person reporting it will be asked to complete a bullying incident report
The incident will be fully investigated by the Heads of House team and appropriately recorded.
Parents will be contacted to inform them.
Appropriate action will be taken, this could involve a mediation meeting between the young people if appropriate, meetings with parents and young person and involvement of year head if necessary.
The person involved in the incident will have follow up check-ins with the Heads of House team to ensure that the incident is no longer happening or further action is taken if necessary.
Young people who are exhibiting bullying behaviour will need help and support to:
Identify the feelings that cause them to act this way.
Develop alternative ways of responding to these feelings.
Understand the impact of their behaviour on other people.