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Child Protection


Our Child Protection Procedures

All members of staff have the responsibility to follow Edinburgh and Lothians Inter-Agency Child Protection Procedures.


Copies of the procedures are held in:

Head teacher's office, Pupil Support office and the Library.


Designated members of staff (DMS) for child protection are:

Caroline Bleach, Dawn Fleming, Gemma Thomson and Lorraine Clark.

Action procedures for managing a disclosure are in the school Child Protection Policy and Edinburgh and Lothian Inter-Agency Procedures.



When faced with a disclosure or concern

  • do not guarantee confidentiality.
  • be receptive and reassuring.
  • sign and date hand written record of concerns noting the time when the matter was passed to DMS.
  • share your concerns with the DMS the same day.


Where your concern is URGENT and you are unable to contact DMS, you must report it yourself by contacting Social Work:

  • Social Work:  01506 284440

Leave a clear, concise message including the childs details, the nature and urgency of the concern and your own contact details. Social work will then contact you to discuss your concern and gather further information. 


Where your concern is NON-URGENT please report to Social Work using their online referral system on the WLC website.


Child Sexual Exploitation - Information for Parents/Carers




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