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Student Information

Some of the files uploaded may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.

If you need any documents in another format please email: 

Deans CHS Updates

2021-22 Updates


2020 Updates

Attendance Information

Spotlight on Home Learning - 2020

Health and Wellbeing Mindfulness for Students


Are you interested in learning a technique which can help you deal with stress, feel more relaxed and get to know how your own mind works? 

if you are interested or would like more information contact Mrs Emmett:


All students should have set up a password recovery email address in GLOW. 

This allows you to reset your own password at home if you need to.  Staff are not allowed to reply to non GLOW email addresses, so you must do this now if you haven't already.  

Watch a video clip on how to do this at the start of the Glow Guide in the link below:

Using Glow a guide for Pupils (opens new window)

Don't forget if TEAMS is down at any point and you are looking for more learning resources there are study resources available for all levels in the Quick Links Button (next to GLOW log-in button) on the school website homepage. Click on 'Homework' to access these.  You can email if you've forgotten the password for this section.

Continuity of Learning (PDF, 639 KB)(opens new window)   (Information on continuing learning during school closure)



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