Deans Community High School welcomes students, adult learners and community users. We are fully committed to engaging our students in their learning and make it a priority to ensure that all students have the opportunity to enjoy a high quality educational experience at Deans.
We need everyone who is part of the school community to challenge and support us. We encourage our young people to share their ideas and thoughts with us about how we can improve the school. We do this through the Student Council and through group and individual interviews. We want parents, carers and our community to feel that their views, too, are welcome. Please share with us your ideas for improvement, any concerns you may have, any comment that would be useful. Most of all, please believe that we genuinely care about your place in this great educational environment we call a community school and we ask you to work with us in achieving all that we can for the students and the community.
Our Shared Values
Our aims reflect the values of our school and form the foundation of our educational philosophy:
Our Shared Vision
Students at Deans Community High School will be inspired through high quality learning and teaching, in a safe, inclusive environment, to confidently achieve and attain the very best they can to succeed in life, learning and work.
Everyone in Deans Community High School is encouraged to incorporate these shared values and vision into their daily lives and interaction with others.